The internet of things

This week in the lecture we learn’t about the ‘Internet of Things’. Essentially, it’s devices that collect and transmit data via the internet. These include the exact thing you are on right now, laptop, phone, apple watch or TV.

This topic got me thinking about what I’ve used recently that does just exactly that! 10 minutes ago I was making lunch. Without even touching a device I set a timer for 12 minutes, i found out the time without looking at the clock, I called a friend and spoke to her without using a device.

WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO!!!!! I wonder how many people say hey Siri or have google a day. We seem to be talking to technology more than we are talking to each other. Where does this take us? I don’t know about you but I’m scared for what the future holds.

2 Replies to “The internet of things”

  1. It’s so interesting how our generation are so used to using technology as part of our everyday lives. Whereas, I don’t know if you’ve had a shared experience, but I know my grandparents, if they were cooking something and had to wait 10 minuets they would just use the wall clock rather than their phone or even an oven timer. It’s also quite funny how you said that we talk to technology more than we talk to each other, because most of the time we tend to ask technology to call eachother


  2. Literally just baked cookies and yelled at my watch to set a timer for me, so I definitely related to this. Though it is interesting because I still feel awkward talking to my devices, so you would never catch me asking siri what the weather is, yet my dad now refuses to type out a text even if it means him repeating a 3 word text 7 times for siri to understand him. In my blog I mention smart devices, like a smart coffee machine which you can connect to from your phone to automatically track and set off actions. I completely understand how once you have these devices you become so used to them being connected to the internet, that without it you don’t know where to begin. Similar to how people would just yell out commands hoping that once of their voice controlled tech picks it up. I really like your remediation because it’s scary that my baby cousin doesn’t know how to count to ten yet, but she knows what numbers to click to unlock her iPad… Nice blog Lauren!


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